ckgedit Configuration Options

Name Setting Default Value
guest_toolbar Display Toolbar to Guests true
guest_media Guest Can Link to Media Files true
open_upload Guests can upload false
default_fb Default File Browsing Access acl
openfb Open File Browsing false
dw_edit_display Controls user access to “DW Edit” button all
smiley_as_text Display Douwiki smileys as text in editor false
editor_bak Save backup on Refresh false
create_folder Enable folder creation n
dwedit_ns Namespaces where DokuWiki Editor is activated none
acl_del Strict ACL delete false
auth_ci User login id is case insensitive false
nix_style Access data/media via userfiles (Windows) false
no_symlinks Disable automatic creation of symbolic links during install false
direction Set language direction nocheck
scayt_auto Scayt active at startup on
scayt_lang Set Scayt language American English
smiley_hack See note false
complex_tables Turn on complex tables parser. true
duplicate_notes Enable notes with same text false
winstyle Direct access to data/media false
other_lang Reset CKEditor language default
dw_priority Open with Dokuwiki Editor. See dw_users. Not available in farms branches. fck/ckeditor
preload_ckeditorjs Preload CKEditor's javascript false
color_options Remove Color options false
font_options Remove font options false
nofont_styling Display font styles in editor as plugin markup false
alt_toolbar Items to remove from CKEditor toolbar ""
extra_plugins Comma-delimited list of user-defined tool bar items to be added to toolbar ""
dw_users Group whose editor defaults to the Dokuwiki editor when dw_priority is set. If this group is not set, then all users get the Dokuwiki editor by default. When this option is given a value and dw_priority is set to true, then users can set the priority on an individual basis using the Update Profile link. See below. ""



The default settings allow guests to have access to the toolbars and to the link and image tools. However, guests cannot upload, unless open_upload is set to true. Setting open_upload to true could be used to implement a completely open wiki, where anyone can edit and upload.


If “Display Toolbar to Guests” is set to false, guests are presented with a toolbar consisting of two items, About and Source.


If the toolbar is allowed and “Guests can Upload” is false, then visitors will not be able to upload files to the server by means of the image and link tools. However, they will still be able to view the contents of your data/media directories. See also guest_toolbar


The file browser is acl-compliant, but the administrator can turn off acl by changing this option to 'none'


Normally, the file browser opens in the the namespace of the page being edited or in the directory immediately above it, if the user has write/create permission in that directory. But if Open File Browsing is set to true, the user will be able to access the entire directory hierarchy; however, ACL permissions still will apply, unless they have been turned off. That means that the user will be able to read the contents of all directories for which he has Read permission but will not be able to upload to those directories for which he does not have upload permission. In the case of administrators, the browser will always open in the root directory.


This option governs access to the 'DW Edit' button. There are three options: 'all', which gives access to all users; 'admin', which restricts access to administrators; and 'none', which hides the button from all users.


This governs how Dokuwiki smileys appear in the editor window. At the initial insertion, they appear as text but after the first save they appear as images. Setting this option to true will cause Dokuwiki smileys always to show up as text in the editing window. They will of course still appear as images in the browser.


If true, a copy of the current state of the editing window will be saved to a meta file in the meta directory, with the same name as the document being edited but with a .ckgedit extension.


If set to 'y', a folder creation button will appear at the bottom of the fle browser. Folder cannot be created by guests.


A comma separated list of files and namespace where the Dokuwiki editor is automatically loaded instead of the CKEditor. The code looks only for partial matches. So if you have “jack”, it will find “blackjack” and “jack_pine”.


The filebrowser has been set up with a loose intepretation of the permission to delete files from a folder. By default it allows users with upload permission in a folder to delete files from that folder. This is not consistent with Dokuwiki's ACL rules which require delete permission. When this option is set to true deletes are consistent with the Dokuwiki ACLs.


If logins are case insensitive, that is you can login as both USER and user, set this to true.


For Windows Servers (Vista and Later). This setting makes it possible to access data\media through ckgedit\fckeditor\userfiles, if links to media and file have been successfully created in userfiles. This option is helpful in some cases where the savedir has been moved.

Disable automatic creation of symbolic links in fckg/userfiles. This setting applies to installations, where ckgedit attempts to create symlinks.


This option controls the language direction in the CKEditor. There are three opitons: (1) 'nocheck', which in effect does nothing and is essentially the same as 'ltr'; (2) 'dokuwiki', which changes the language direction to the direction set by Dokuwiki, based on the current language selection; (3) 'ltr', which sets left-to-right, and (4) 'rtl', which enables right-to-left. It is possible, with these options, to have your browser set to one direction and the FCKeditor to another.


When set to “on” the SCAYT spell checker is immediately active when the editing window is opened. When set to “off”, you have to click on the spell-check toolbar button and select “enable SCAYT” to make SCAYT active.


The default language is American English.


This option applies only to the CKEditor smileys, not the Dokuwiki smileys. If you move to a new server, turn this option on until all pages with these smileys have been converted to the new server address. Turn it off when finished, otherwise it will keep re-writing URLs that have already been changed and needlessly using processing time. See the faq on smileys.


As of May 29/2016 this is set to true by default. It turns on the complex tables parser. While aimed at tables that use multiple column and row spans, it does not incur a perceptible performance hit for simple tables. When this option is turned off in the Configuration Manager, a checkbox will appear below the editing window enabling you to turn on the complex table parse on a per page basis. It is also possible to turn on the complex tables parser on a per page basis by placing the

macro at the top of the page. Some tables are too complex for the complex tables parser. For these tables there are several options:

  1. create the table on a standard Dokuwiki page, using the Dokuwiki editor, and then include the table using the plugin.
  2. or, save the table on the current page as an HTML Block.

Note: The complex tables parser is required if you are using font styles on the same page as tables.


When Dokuwiki encounters footnotes with identical texts, it merges the footnote references on a single line and displays the footnote text only once, instead of duplicating. For instance:

  1), 3), 7)

Ckgedit needs to know if your users are creating these kinds of notes. If they do, then you must set this option to true; otherwise, the footnotes will become corrupted. With this option set to true, in the editor each of the duplicate footnotes will appear on a separate line, but when in the browser, they will appear as above.


On linux systems, data/media is normally accessed through symbolic links in fckeditor/userstyles, which link to data/media. This option gives direct access to data/media. In order for it to work with apache servers, you must copy from fckeditor/userfiles to data/media and rename it .htaccess. The reason for this is that Dokuwiki by default prevents direct access to your data. relaxes this restriction with respect to the basic image formats: .gif, .jpg, .png. See security_and_the_media_directory.


Select interface language for CKEditor: defaults to language set for browser. This choice is independent of the Dokuwiki interface language option.


By default, the editor opens with the CKEditor. Selecting this option will override the default behavior so that the Dokuwiki text-based editor will have priority. Users can still switch back and forth between the editors, but when the browser is closed and re-opened, the Dokuwiki editor will be selected. If the user logs off but does not close down the browser, the last editor to have been selected will open. This behavior can be changed using the dw_users setting either alone or in conjunction with the selection options under Update Profile.


When set to true, this option will cause the ckeditor's javascript to be loaded on start up, instead of when the editor is first opened. This speeds up the initial loading of the editor into the browser, because the javascript will have been saved in the browser's cache. Apart from icons and images, the ckeditor is implemented entirely in javascript. This should have minimal affect on visitors to the site because the ckeditor's javascript is not output until after the curret page has been sent to the browser.

Font Styling Options

color_options , font_options , nofont_styling
These options are covered on the page devoted to styling issues.


This setting provides a checkbox listing of Ckeditor toolbar items. To remove items from the toolbar, check their boxes. See ckgedit issues number 184.


Use this setting to add new toolbar buttons for CKEditor plugins that are not included in the ckgedit distribution. The name(s) of the item(s) must be the name(s) that define the toolbar button, which is not necessarily the name of the plugin. An example extra plugin is included with the ckgedit distribution. This is the timestamp plugin; its button name is Timestamp. Therefore this setting must be Timestamp with the upper case T, and not timestamp. The language files for these plugins should conform to those found in timestamp; they should be included in <your_plugin/lang>, and an entry for each language file should be added to the lang property of the plugin file (see timestamp/plugin.js). The icons for these extra plugins will appear at the end of the toolbar.


Sets the dw_users group for use with dw_priority. There is a hierarchy of priority settings.

  1. If dw_priority has been set and no dw_users group has been supplied, then all users will get the dokuwiki editor as their default editor.
  2. If the user has made a selection using under Update Profile, then the selected editor will be used.
  3. If the user has not made a selection under Update Profile, then the dw_users group determines the choice of editor.
  4. In all cases the editor can be switched by clicking the relevant button in below editor window.

User Tools