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To see the syntax for these plugins, click the “Show Pagesource” button.


<color blue/yellow>blue on yellow</color>

The markup for the above:

&#60;color blue&#47;yellow&#62;blue on yellow&#60;&#47;color&#62;

Using color in tables

Standard Table HeaderStandard Header
<color red/silver>red on silver></color><color blue/yellow>blue on yellow</color>

The above markup in nowiki tags:

<color blue/yellow>blue on yellow</color>
A useful plugin for table cell background colors is cellbg. It fills the entire cell with a background color, and it can be used in conjunction with the font tool. The cell to the right is an example of this technique. The cellbg markup is as follows: @#6495ed: Ligne 1. The font color and font size and family are applied to the text—Ligne 1—and not to the cellbg markup. Ligne 1


Using the plugin tool

<plugin title=“note” >~<~note tip~>~Don't Forget To Save Your String~<~/note~>~</plugin>

<plugin title=“note” >~<~note important~>~This is an important Announcement. Buy Canadian!~<~/note~>~</plugin>

Current Practice, no need for the plugin tool

This is an important Announcement. Buy Canadian!

Using Wrap

For a demo of the the complex wrap plugin see the playground page on my development site.

Info Plugin


This plugin creates a basic table with a table header and a Date header. But in order for it to work, it must be placed in the list of immutable plugins in configuration manager. To get it to work, you must save it, and then reopen the file. Then the table is there ready to be filled in and added to. Without placing it in the immutable list, the syntax will remain in the file and a new table will be recreated each time you go to edit.

This is the syntax:


29 Nov 2009

Module Changes Lines/function Status
syntax.php minor bug fix 235 ready